#Hagerbook: How did Martyn Bradbury know what was in “Dirty Politics”?

On Monday, Martyn Bradbury posted “3 guesses about Nicky Hager’s new book” on The Daily Blog. The post is so short that it’s worth quoting in full:

3 guesses about Nicky Hager’s new book

Nicky is about to inject some critical analysis into politics with the launch this Wednesday of his brand new book.

Here are my 3 guesses on his book.

1 – Right wing spin doctors in Wellington will be crying harder than Matthew Hooton post the Hollow Men.
2 – We won’t hear from the Taxpayer Union for a while.
3 – This won’t be the only time Nicky makes an impact before the election.

While most of us were nicely sidetracked into thinking that the book contained surveillance revelations, that turned out to be a red herring.

Guesses 1 and 2 from Bradbury so clearly refer to the contents of the book (the role of Jason Ede and the involvement of Jordan Williams, spokesperson for the Taxpayers’ Union) that it is impossible that Bradbury just had a lucky guess.

So how did he know? Did he have a leak from Hager?

This is of course possible, but seems unlikely. If you want to keep a political secret – as Hager did, possibly out of fear of a court injunction stopping the book’s publication – surely the last person in the world you would consider telling would be Martyn Bradbury.

If the information did not come from Nicky Hager, how did Bradbury find out?

What if Bradbury knows the source who leaked the documents to Hager?

The documents obtained from Hager came from somewhere – we have been told that they were “hacked”.

UPDATE: Martyn Bradbury has responded on Twitter and says his knowledge came via Hager:

Homepage photo credit: churchofpunk / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

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